5 Spring Cleaning Tips from Marie Kondo to Declutter Your Financial Life

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The Japanese organizing consultant, Marie Kondo, set off a decluttering craze across the globe with her Kondo sums it up perfectly: your real life begins after putting your house in order.

If you’re ready to put your financial house in order, we’ve borrowed five tips from Marie Kondo to help you get started. 

1. Start by discarding

Do you keep paper copies of every account statement, utility bill, and expense receipt? Consider storing these documents in the cloud instead. There are a number of cloud storage solutions and mobile apps available to transform your paper receipts into digital files and expense reports, so you no longer have to spend hours hunting through or organizing paper receipts. Cloud services, mobile apps, and software scanners can perform these tasks automatically, which can increase the accuracy of your finances and help you to keep track of your expenses.

Full Article on Forbes