Diving Deeper into the SECURE Act: Where Do You Go From Here?

You want your clients, and their loved ones, to get the most out of retirement planning. Then the SECURE Act passed, tightening the rules and rocking the industry.

You understand the bill’s major provisions, the tax benefits, the tax hurdles. What’s next?

Take a deeper dive into the SECURE Act with Jamie Hopkins, ESQ., MBA, CFP®, LLM, CLU®, CHFC®, RICP®, and Director of Retirement Research at Carson.

Jamie can help you master retirement income planning under this powerful piece of legislation. He’ll go over specific planning scenarios to answer your questions and prepare you to answer your clients’ questions, too, during “Dive Deeper Into the SECURE Act: Where Do You Go From Here?”

Learn how to help maximize your clients’ total after-tax wealth and better safeguard their assets. Watch our on-demand webinar today by filling out the form.


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