Marketing & Lead Generation
for Financial Advisors

Move the needle with marketing specifically for financial advisors.

Traditional networking and referrals can only take your business so far. At Carson, you can tap into a multi-million-dollar lead-generation engine that connects you directly with warm prospects. You’ll also get a gorgeous search-optimized website, marketing collateral, and annual strategic marketing plan.

Proven Client Acquisition Program

Carson has invested millions in a lead-generation program to rival what the custodians provide. With our Client Acquisition Program, you’ll spend your time doing what’s important… and we’ll spend the money on national digital marketing to find leads. The end result? Warm, qualified prospects on your calendar. All you have to do is show up!

New client onboarding process
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How the Client Acquisition Program works

STEP 1 Proven Marketing

Carson invests millions in digital marketing that we’ve refined with some of the world’s leading performance marketing consultants. That means no more digital marketing guess work!

STEP 2 Instant Outreach

Once a lead comes in, Carson’s in-house contact center reaches out via multiple channels to qualify them and schedule an appointment on your calendar.

STEP 3 You Take It From Here!

Qualified leads delivered straight to your team so you can focus on providing value to your clients… and onboarding new ones.

The contact center is doing such an amazing job qualifying clients; even building trust with those potential clients so that when they end up in front of me there’s already a rapport.
Abbey Henderson

Abbey Henderson

CEO, Wealth Advisor & Coach, Abaris Financial Group

Brand-Building Marketing Support

Some advisors love doing their own marketing. Others? Not so much. Whichever camp you fall in, you’ll get the right marketing program to support your efforts. Want us to do it all? Sure! Just need us to bolster what you’re currently doing? That’s OK too. When you have access to the most complete marketing offering in the industry, it’s easy to find just what you need.

Marketing team members at Partner Summit 2023

Powerhouse Website

First impressions matter – and your new website is optimized for search and mobile. It’s designed to help new prospects find you and and make the right first impression.


Personalized Brand Support

On day one of your partnership with Carson, you’ll have access to branded marketing materials and client swag.


Marketing Automation

From birthday emails to lead nurturing, save time and energy by automating your marketing with Carson’s proprietary automation system.


Annual Marketing Plan

Each year, you receive a robust plan outlining everything Carson Marketing will do on your behalf. Even if you do no other marketing, you’ll have a solid foundation in place.

What Gets Measured Gets Managed

Retail magnate John Wanamaker said years ago: “Half of the money I spend on advertising is wasted…I just don’t know which half.” Well times have changed. We know more about the effectiveness of our marketing than ever before.

Introducing Marketing Monitor

As a Carson Partner, you’ll know exactly what’s working. We’ll feed all of your marketing efforts – whether we’re managing them or not – into one simple set of dashboards, so you can measure the success of every channel and campaign.

With Marketing Monitor, you can track:
  • Website traffic and conversions
  • Social media engagement
  • Digital ad effectiveness
  • Podcast and webinar downloads
  • Search engine optimization performance
Laptop with search engine results illustration
Social Media Engagement Illustration
Marketing for Financial Advisors Computer Dashboard Illustration
hand holding pencil near screen displaying stock prices

Metrics That Matter

Marketing analytics can be overwhelming. That’s why Marketing Monitor only includes the most meaningful, actionable numbers.

One Set of Dashboards

No more jumping from platform to platform to figure out how your marketing is doing. Marketing Monitor has all the data you need.

Built by Data Experts

Your dashboards are built by a team of data scientists, so you’ll have all your data, accurately and beautifully displayed.

Now I have a marketing team that thinks like I think.

Scott Cadwell

Scott Cadwell

Managing Director, Partner & Wealth Advisor, Carson Wealth

Advisor Marketing Materials on Demand

Self-Service Marketing Library

Your Marketing Library comes equipped with hundreds of compliance-approved marketing materials – with new resources added every week. And every piece can be branded for your firm.

Materials include:
  • Presentations for webinars and in-person events
  • Marketing playbooks for every strategy
  • Hot topic educational materials for your clients
  • Blog content
  • Email and script content
  • Event invitations
  • New client and prospect packets
  • Social media posts
Social media post on a phone illustration
Marketing Playbook guide illustration
Illustrated laptop displaying blog

Done-For-You Advisor Marketing Materials

Laptop with webinar or video illustration
Newsletter Illustration
Computer displaying lead generation tool illustration
On-Trend Content Readily Available

Your Carson Marketing team creates content on your behalf so you don’t have to do it yourself or hire a marketing agency for every little thing.

Content includes:

  • Lead-capturing calculators & tools on your website
  • Weekly blogs & market commentary broadcast directly to your site
  • Monthly all-client webinars
  • Weekly client newsletter
  • Optional social media posting on your behalf
  • Custom ads, billboards, signs and more

Marketing Insights

Tamsen Butler: Crafting Compelling Stories

Tamsen Butler: Crafting Compelling Stories

Minna Shada: Consumer Marketing for Advisors

Minna Shada: Consumer Marketing for Advisors

Kalli Fedusenko: Financial Advisor Marketing

Kalli Fedusenko: Financial Advisor Marketing

Elevate Your Marketing

Think of all the resources you’ve poured into marketing efforts that yield little to no impact. Those days are over. Discover how you can tap into Carson’s lead generation and marketing capabilities today.

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