Articles authored by Omani Carson

3 Ways to Attract the Modern-Day Investor in a Changing Financial Services Industry

This blog was adapted from “Proven in the Trenches” by Ron Carson. You can order the book now on Amazon. The amount of time it takes you to read this sentence is the same amount of time someone spends on your website before moving on to the next thing in their day. We know that …

From ‘Tested’ to ‘Proven in the Trenches’: 11 Ways Advisors Can Compete, Drive Value in an Evolving Industry

A lot has changed inside and outside the financial industry since 2005, when the first edition of “Tested in the Trenches” hit bookshelves. Technology, as an ever-changing entity, has been the catalyst for much of the innovation and change in the world. Not to mention, rapid changes in regulatory reform, industry consolidation and fee compression, …

The Future of Financial Planning Hinges on Adapting to Change

“Evolve or die,” is the blunt way British actor Craig Charles put it. The world is moving on, and the financial advisor profession is no exception to these tectonic shifts. Today, an aging advisor population is facing fee compression, ever-changing technology and an uncertain horizon in the market. The need for evolution is acute, and …

The Writing on the Wall: Midwest Flooding and Financial Consolidation

As a native Nebraskan, I appreciate the aura this state has. It demands determination, innovation and humility – and all in a day’s work. In return, you have the opportunity to live out your dreams and impact your community. Sadly, Nebraska recently experienced one of the worst natural disasters in its history. Massive flooding in …

Eliminating Extensive Fees is the First Step in Earning Client Trust

What do all of your clients have in common – whether they signed up yesterday or have been with you for two decades? They trust you to act in their best interests. Or, at least, they should. This comes at a time when 65 percent of consumers say they mistrust the financial services industry to …

Ron’s Top 5 Financial Conferences to Attend in 2019

We are still fresh into 2019 and I’m looking forward to all the upcoming industry conferences this year. I wasn’t always a conference-goer, but I changed my tune when I experienced firsthand the personal and professional benefits reaped by attending. They’re a great place to connect with people and you return to your business inspired, …

Ron’s Top 10 Books to Inspire and Challenge You in 2019

Answer This Question to Strengthen Your Culture

Each year, I am afforded the opportunity to attend a number of conferences and events focused on growing, improving and transforming businesses. As I sit amongst attendees, I often like to observe their engagement as experts take the stage and begin presenting. One subject that always seems to elicit a variety of responses is Culture.

The Hidden Threat That Wealth Managers Aren’t Talking About

When the Telecommunications Act of 1996 deregulated the telecom industry, executives at the old regional Bell companies faced a momentous decision. They could join the disruptors who began using fiber optic networks to provide phone service at a fraction of what it once cost, or they could try to fight the evolution of the industry …

Will Your Wealth Management Firm End up on the Wrong Side of the Demographic Cliff?

Not long ago, a married couple with $20 million in assets phoned a wealth manager in our firm. They are in their upper seventies.

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