Thank you for being a valued client of CWM, LLC (“Carson”) and for reviewing CWM, LLC’s Proxy Voting Policy and Guidelines (“Policy”). As a valued client, Carson is offering you the ability to elect Carson to vote proxies on your behalf. The Policy linked below titled CWM Proxy Voting Policy and Guidelines has been created to help you understand how Carson will vote your proxies if you decide to request Carson to vote on your behalf.

Our goal to clients is to anticipate and deliver. This is why we continually strive to be the most trusted for financial advice, and why we take the responsibility of voting your proxies with as much responsibility as we manage your investments. Please carefully review the details in the link provided below to ensure that we would vote your proxies in a way that aligns with your values and best interests, should you decide to elect Carson to vote your proxies.

Carson has partnered with Broadridge®️, one of the leading service providers in financial services to manage the proxy voting process. The Policy was created using the publicly disclosed vote records of more than 25 of the top fund families, selected by Assets Under Management, and whose goal is to maximize shareholder value. Broadridge®️ extracted meeting proposals, categorized, and linked all voting records from the filings of each such fund families. Each recorded vote by the institutions selected by Broadridge was categorized based on the proposal type. Carson’s investment team then reviewed each proposal type to determine if the voting matches the core values of Carson and made changes, in our opinion, that are in the best interest of our clients to help drive shareholder value with proxy generating investments within our platform.

If a proxy proposal type is not covered under our policy, Carson will review the proxy proposal to determine how Carson will vote the policy based on the corporate values of Carson. After review of the proposal type, Carson also reserves the right to not vote the proxy.

If you decided after review of the Policy to elect Carson to vote proxies on your behalf, additional custodian paperwork is required to be completed. Your Financial Advisor’s office will assist you with completing the additional paperwork. Please understand based on contractual agreements, Carson is not able to vote proxies on certain assets allocated to investment strategies managed by sub-advisers. If custodian paperwork is completed in error to elect Carson to vote proxies on your behalf, Carson will monitor and notify your Financial Advisor of the error and revoke Carson’s ability to vote those proxies.

If you have any questions related to proxies, proxy voting, or the Policy, please discuss with your Financial Advisor.