5 Ways Social Media Can Help Financial Advisors Grow Their Business

5 Ways Social Media Can Help Financial Advisors Grow Their Business

Social media provides the perfect platform to help financial advisors connect with current and prospective clients. With a powerful social presence, you can engage with clients in meaningful ways that create visibility for your firm.

This year can be an incredible year of growth for you and your business. And with the right approach to social media, you can potentially connect with more people who fit your ideal client profile and strengthen your relationships with your current clients. 

Most advisors aren’t convinced the effort of marketing on social media is worth it, but I offer you five ways it can help you grow your firm. 

Helps You Establish Credibility

While having a large social media presence can aid your business growth, even without the number of followers typically associated with influencers, you can still make use of these powerful platforms to reach and build relationships and establish credibility with key people.

Building our following to establish credibility can help because people often feel more comfortable following someone if others see them as credible. This is the “Bandwagon Effect” – when we see others choosing to follow or work with someone, it’s natural to assume they’ve made the right call.

If you truly want to communicate the value you provide to those who need it, take every opportunity to let people know why you are credible and how you might be able to help them – then watch as both your following and credibility increase.

Leads to Stronger Client Relationships

I’m surprised by how many of my coaching clients aren’t – or don’t know whether they are – connected with their current clients. This is a missed opportunity. You should connect with your current clients on social media because your current clients are your best advocates.

In addition to potentially connecting you with more clients, when you connect with the people you already work with on social, you can forge stronger relationships with them. They get to see and engage with you more often.

Staying top of mind is essential to strengthening client relationships. The more familiar we are with someone, the more comfortable they make us feel. Our brains are hardwired this way to protect us against harm; but luckily for you, it’s also an opportunity to build deeper relationships with potential clients through repeated exposure on social platforms.

Take advantage of this powerful tool today to deepen relationships that can boost business growth tomorrow.

Potentially Attracts New Clients

On social media, your content can find its way to people beyond just those in your immediate network.

For example, LinkedIn has a powerful algorithm that helps spread the word; if someone you know likes or comments on one of your posts, it could potentially be seen by their connections, too. So don’t underestimate the potential reach and impact of cleverly crafted posts.

Just a quick note about LinkedIn: It has more than 900 million members, and while not all of those members are your ideal clients, enough of them are for you to make an effort using the platform.

I’ve had a handful of financial advisors reach out and ask me about coaching because they saw me posting regularly on LinkedIn. When they finally decided it was time to hire a business coach, I was top of mind for them.

Additionally, I often see my current financial advisor coaching clients like and comment on my posts. This means, between our monthly calls, I’ve had a chance to add value to their lives in a scalable way through my LinkedIn posts. Again, you can make one post and have many people see it and gain value from it.

Gives You a Chance to Build Your Authority

Your content is the key to establishing yourself as an authority in our field. As more people take notice of and follow you, they will believe that what you have to say is helpful and important – which causes them to trust you and listen to what you have to say.

Another thing to keep in mind as you build your perceived authority is to continually learn and update your skills and then showcase how you are doing so. Write a LinkedIn article or share a link to a blog post that you wrote on topics that are important to clients (such as college planning, tax planning or legislative updates). This can help communicate to current and potential clients that you truly care about your craft and keeping their best interest in mind.

Helps You Get to Know Yourself Better

Taking time to pause and reflect on and analyze your thoughts can be an important step in unlocking your creative potential. When creating content for social media, metacognition can come in handy – meaning slowing down to think and acknowledge what we are thinking.

This might be a difficult exercise for us, as we tend to be overextended and rushed, but by finding time to reflect on our ideas and beliefs, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves. This, in turn, can provide clarity in our communication.

Social media can be used as an effective tool to help us with self-reflection. During this time reflecting on the messages we want to convey, we can help uncover and create more meaningful conversations and content that connects with our ideal clients. 

Just Start Knowing Success is Not Instantaneous

Ready to take your business further with social media? Now is the perfect time for you to start creating content. Commit to starting now so you can get closer to your target business growth.

But keep in mind that success isn’t instantaneous. Don’t be disheartened if your content isn’t getting much attention right away. It likely won’t, but so long as you are consistent, you will begin to reach more and more people. Consistency is key; by consistently posting quality material, more people will start taking notice of and engaging with your posts.

One great piece of advice I’ve heard for when you first start publishing content is that you’re not publishing for other people, you’re publishing for yourself. You might think, “Well, J.J., this sounds counterintuitive! Don’t I post on social media so other people see my posts?” Kind of. Creating highly valuable content on social media is a skill in communicating your message effectively – which should improve with every post.

When you first start creating and publishing content on social media, think of it as your practice in creating content and finding your voice – your authentic messaging of your ideas, perspectives and values.

Don’t worry about how many views, likes or comments your posts get at first. The early stages of your content creation journey are practice. Get better with every post. Eventually, you can concern yourself with the metrics. Just get started!

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